
Announcing the Archon Team League Championships Finals Location: The Archon House

Announcing the Archon Team League Championships Finals Location: The Archon House


Today, we announce that we are bringing the live finale to the Archon House.  The top placed four teams in the Archon Team League Championships will be flown to the Archon House and will battle out the prize pool of $250,000. The event will conclude LIVE at the Archon house on September 11th to 13th. You...

Archon Xixo takes South Korea

Archon Xixo takes South Korea


South Korea is the home to the most established eSports community in the world. Xixo's journey is a dream come true for many eAthletes.

ATLC Week 5 - Decklists

ATLC Week 5 - Decklists


The fifth week of the Archon Team League Championship just ended, which means it's time for the decklists! We hope you enjoyed the matches this week!   Day 1 - Match 1 Team Archon vs Valuetown   Team Archon    Valuetown   Day 1 - Match 2 Nihilum vs Forsenboys   Nihilum &...