"Patron Warrior is not only the best deck, it's also the most fun!" - Zalae
The Patron Warrior specializes in setting up powerful combinations such as turn 4 Death's Bite turn 5 Grim Patron Inner Rage creating 4 Patrons while clearing most of the opponents board. On turn 8 Warsong Commander plus Grim Patron can clear the opponent's small minions while creating an enormous board presence. Against decks that have AoE such as Lightbomb or Hellfire to deal with your Patrons, you can set up a huge one turn kill combo with Warsong Commander and as many Frothing Berserkers and Whirlwind effects as you can find. Emperor Thaurissan is important for setting up that kind of lethal.
- STRONG vs.
- Combo Druid, Zoo, Paladin, small creatures in general get punished by Patrons, weapons, and Whirlwinds.
- WEAK vs.
- Handlock, Freezing Trap Hunters, Aggressive decks with big creatures, Harrison on your Death's Bite because setting up big turns with Death's Bite is so important.
Classes |
Comments |
- In General...
- Fiery War Axe+++, Death's Bite+++, Acolyte of Pain+++, Loot Hoarder+, Armorsmith+, Dread Corsair if you have a Weapon, Grim Patron if you have Death's Bite
- Specific Matchups...
- vs. Hunter/Paladin: Whirlwind
- vs. Priest: Execute
- vs. Warrior Grim Patron
- Do Not Keep...
- -Battle Rage, -Warsong Commander, -Dr. Boom, -Grommash
Tech Cards
- VS. Aggro:
- Taunts such as Unstable Ghoul, Dread Corsair, Sludge Belcher
- VS. Control:
- Card draw such as Gnomish Inventor, Slam
- VS. Weapon classes
- Harrison Jones
Notable Players/Tournaments
- Coming soon.