"Hello. Hello. Hello." - Annoy-o-tron
This deck features a lot of the tribal Mech cards and exploits the strength of a few key cards which can benefit from the Mechs on your board. Pressure your opponent early on with Cogmasters, Mechwarpers, and Mad Scientists, while disrupting your enemy's responses with Annoytron and Snowchugger. A Tinkertown Technician or Goblin Blastmage that procs off your Mechs is your key turn in swinging the board to your favor. Further command the board with Loatheb, Dr. Boom, and even Archmage Antonidas. Finally, when your opponent clears off your minions, you should have already done enough damage that a few Frostbolts and Fireballs can seal the game.
- STRONG vs.
- Druid, Midrange Hunter, Warrior, Hand Lock
- WEAK vs.
- Zoo, Face Hunter, Midrange Paladin, Freeze Mage
Classes |
Comments |
- In General
- Look for a good curve such as Cogmaster in to Mechwarper or coin Scientist in to Snowchugger. Always keep Mad Scientist, Cogmaster, Mech Warper.
- Specific Matchups...
- Keep Frostbolt against Rogue
- Consider keeping Blastmage against Hunter if you have early mechs to support it
- Do Not Keep...
- Azure Drake, Fireball
Tech Cards
- Don't tech with Mech Mage. Change to a different deck if this one isn't working out.
Notable Players/Tournaments
- Strifecro