"Jeez bro, it's turn 3!" - Gaara, when Firebat won his game vs. Handlock in Dreamhack
Mech Shaman is a deck where you establish early board with Cogmaster, Mechwarper, Annoytron, and then transition into an aggressive game plan. Fel Reaver on turn 5 is generally very hard for your opponent to deal with on a board already populated with minions. Powermace is a great way to clear minions while buffing your Mechs to play around AOE spells. And gosh, it's fun to Whirling Zap-O-Matic your opponent in the face. WEE!
- STRONG vs.
- Druid, Handlock, Mech Mage, Freeze Mage, Patron Warrior
- WEAK vs.
- Hunter, Zoolock
Classes |
Comments |
- Vs Aggro
- Powermace+, Annoytron+++, Mechwarper+++, Rockbiter Weapon+, Earth Shock++
- Vs Control
- Annoytron++, Mechwarper+++, Whirling Zap-o-Matic++
- Do Not Keep...
- Fire Elemental, Dr. Boom, Fel Reaver
Tech Cards
- VS. Aggro:
- Argent Squire
- VS. Control:
- Big Game Hunter (demolish those Handlocks), The Black Knight
- VS. Rogue:
- Acidic Swamp Ooze
Notable Players/Tournaments
- Firebat (hit Number 1 Legend)
- Purpledrank (also hit Number 1 Legend)