Oil Rogue is an aggressive deck reliant on tempo cards such as Backstab, Preparation and SI:7 Agent while abusing powerful spells such as Eviscerate and Sap to generate additional tempo. It aims on pushing early points of damage with its minions to later end the game with Tinker's Sharpsword Oil and Blade Flurry. Against other aggressive deck archetypes, Oil Rogue relies on cards like Earthen Ring Farseer and Loatheb to prevent lethals and gain an edge in the damage race.
Druid, Mid-Range Hunter, Demonlock, Handlock, Priest
WEAK vs.
Control Warrior, Freeze Mage
In General...
Backstab+++, Preparation++, SI:7 Agent++, Piloted Shredder+, Azure Drake+.
Specific Matchups...
vs. Hunter Earthen Ring Farseer+++. Fan of Knives+++
vs. Paladin Fan of Knives+++
vs. Warrior (Control): Emperor Thaurissan++, Sprint++
Do Not Keep...
Tech Cards
VS. Aggro:
Antique Healbot, Violet Teacher
VS. Midrange:
Violet Teacher
VS. Control
Dr. Boom