"Wait, that was a freezing trap?!" - Everyone who sees turn 1 Leper Gnome turn 3 Wolfrider
Hybrid Hunter finds a nice balance between midrange and face Hunter. Sometimes you trade, other times you hit them in the face. Leper Gnome and Wolfrider give you lots of pressure, while Piloted Shredder and Savannah Highmane give you staying power. Freezing Trap is much better than Explosive, and Snake Trap is not effective in some metagames (eg, Grim Patron); sometimes your opponent might even misread your trap thinking you are another archetype of Hunter. Performing well with this deck will depend on your decision when presented with multiple options to develop the board or rush in for damage.
- STRONG vs.
- Handlock, Patron Warrior, Druid
- WEAK vs.
- Face Hunter
Classes |
Comments |
- In General...
- Leper Gnome+++, Mad Scientist+++, Abusive Sergeant++, Knife Juggler+, Haunted Creeper++ Animal Companion+
- Specific Matchups...
- vs. Rogue: Eaglehorn Bow
- vs. Warlock, Hunter: Ironbeak Owl, Unleash the Hounds
- Do Not Keep...
- -Kill Command, -Freezing Trap, -Loatheb, -Wolfrider, -Quickshot
Tech Cards
- VS. Aggro:
- Explosive Trap, Unleash the Hounds
- VS. Control:
- Hunter's Mark
Notable Players/Tournaments