"Who dares summon me?" - Doomguard
The Zoolock is an early game deck which specializes in playing a lot of small minions and buffing them to make value trades. Early game drops have very high value like Flame Imp, Voidwalker, and Haunted Creeper. Try to activate your Nerubian Eggs with Abusive Sergeant and Power Overwhelming. Life Tap is a very strong hero power to refill your hand with the "cheapness" of your deck. Late game look to finish off your opponent with Doomguards and silence their Taunts with Ironbeak Owl.
- STRONG vs.
- Druid, Mech Mage, Control Warrior
- WEAK vs.
- Face Hunter, Freeze Mage, Paladin
Classes |
Comments |
- In General...
- Flame Imp+++, Voidwalker++, Nerubain Egg++, Haunted Creeper+++, Knife Juggler++, Argent Squire++
- Specific Matchups...
- vs. Hunter: Defender of Argus+
- vs. Freeze Mage: Loatheb+++
- vs. Druid: Knife Juggler+++
- Do Not Keep...
- Doomguard, Loatheb, Dark Iron Dwarf
Tech Cards
- VS. Aggro:
- Elven Archer
- VS. Control:
- Decklist good enough vs. this
- VS. Weapon classes
- Acidic Swamp Ooze