"Mana Wyrm Please!" - Turn 1
If you like casting a lot of spells and gunning down your opponent with fire and ice, then this is the deck for you! Crush and dominate the early game with Mana Wyrm and Mad Scientist. While you have minions on the board, extend your lead with Flamecannon and Frostbolt. The main strategy for this deck is to combo your Flamewaker or Archmage Antonidas with Spare Parts (coming from Clockwork Gnomes and Mechanical Yetis) and to even make them cheaper with Sorcerer's Apprentice and Emperor Thaurissan.
- STRONG vs.
- Druid, Midrange Hunter, Priest, Rogue, Handlock
- WEAK vs.
- Face Hunter, Zoolock, Control Warrior
Classes |
Comments |
- In General...
- Mana Wrym+++, Mad Scientist++++, Unstable Portal++, Sorcerer's Apprectice++, Flamewaker++ (only going second)
- Specific Matchups...
- vs. Druid, Priest: Flamecannon++
- vs. Aggro: Frostbolt++
- vs. Warrior: Mirror Image+
- Do Not Keep...
- Secrets
Tech Cards
- VS. Aggro:
- Arcane Missiles
- VS. Control:
- Polymorph, Flamestrike
- VS. Weapon classes
- Harrison Jones
Notable Players/Tournaments
- Orange